Article Archive

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The Serra Club of Johnson County in Kansas celebrated the 25th anniversary of its charter with a Mass, dinner, and program on the evening of May 2, 2024. Look inside for details about this terrific evening!
While this author was unable to make the Kansas City event, we did get to Runnin' with the Revs on Monday, April 15, 2024, at Hayden High School in Topeka. Another entertaining evening and a spirited, competitive basketball game made for a fun event for about 350 spectators.
Arriving from Brazil to the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas on January 22, 2012, the Sisters of the Fraternity of the Poor of Jesus Christ, also known as the Poor of Jesus Christ, spend their lives committed to helping the poorest of the poor, the homeless, and those who have nowhere else to go. The Sisters celebrated their 12th anniversary on Monday, January 22, with a Mass of Thanksgiving and a community gather that followed. Check out some details and photos!
In the effort to promote vocations in our parishes and Catholic schools, the Serra Club of Johnson County is dusting off a program with an invitation to area parishes to consider beginning a Traveling Chalice/Traveling Crucifix program. Read on for details,
The Serra Clubs of Kansas City, KS, and Johnson County combined forces in the chapel and in the kitchen in contributing to this year's Quo Vadis retreat. Look inside for the rest of the story.
Topeka native, Will Sutherland, shares his vocation story and his enthusiasm at the prospect of being ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. I connected with Will on a recent Tuesday over a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll at McClain's Market in Shawnee, KS. Take a few minutes to read his story. I anticipate it will bless you just as it blessed me!
Expanding on a July story of Lourdes, written just after my return from pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, this is the second of a series of stories of Lourdes, including the life of St. Bernadette Soubirous, Marian Apparitions that occurred at Lourdes in the span of six months in 1858, and miracles that happen in Lourdes every day. Friday, December 8, 2023, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Hear more about the pilgrimage experience and about Lourdes at our General Membership meeting on the eve of the great Feast of Our Lady!
On October 11 & 12, members of the Serra Clubs of Kansas City in Kansas and Johnson County made a visit to Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Check out photos and highlights of the visit inside!
I learned that pilgrims are called to Lourdes by Our Lady. A trip to Lourdes doesn't just happen. Blessed to travel with 145 other pilgrims from around the United States, I witnessed grace in action. Traveling with the intent to serve others as part of a medical team, I received much more than I gave. Read on to learn more about Lourdes, St. Bernadette, and spiritual food for pilgrims.
Seven chili chefs competed for prizes in the 2023 edition of the Great Chili Cook-off. The Serra Club of Johnson County raised just over $300 for vocations. Read on for revelation of the winning cooks!