Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect

Do whatever He tells you

Friday, November 29, 2024
A response to the Vocational Call to Holiness is to "do whatever He tells you." Read on for a reflection of Mary's words to the servants at the Wedding Feast of Cana.

These were Our Lady's words to the servants at the Wedding Feast at Cana. (John 2:5) The wine had been consumed. The party had merely begun. It would be the embarrassment of all embarrassments for the host. There was no hesitation, either by Mary - even when Jesus questioned her judgment, or by the servants as they obediently filled the large stone jars with water. One can only imagine what they were thinking at the time . . . 

My faith is so weak, Lord. How many times haven't I hesitated in response to your call? Side-stepped? Procrastinated? Thought I had a better way? All because I was more focused on me than on you!

And yes, there You are, the Merciful Father, running out to greet me with open arms, lavishing another blessing, as I realize my error in squandering yet another opportunity. How many times, Lord?

"Do whatever He tells you." In order to lift a finger in response, I must first listen and hear what You say. In a head-spinning world, this is itself a challenge. But it is not enough to listen and hear. To "do whatever He tells you" is to act. The servants at the wedding feast had no idea what was up, and certainly their witness of what must have appeared to be a cryptic exchange between Jesus and Mary ("But my time has not yet come.") likely didn't provide much clarity to the miracle that was unfolding. 

Jesus never asks us to make the wine. He only asks us to fill the jars with water. It's not up to us to create the outcome. That's His job. To respond to His call is to put one foot in front of the other and step into the situation we face, whether it is a crucial conversation with a colleague, or a friend, or a family member; reaching out to someone in need; spending time in quiet prayer; or time spent doing what we otherwise might believe mundane. Big or small, each response requires the same approach: one simple step. And Jesus never stops asking.

If we're not willing to die on a little hill, how will we ever find the courage to die on a big hill?

"Do whatever He tells you." Nothing more, for that's His role. To go beyond doing what He tells us to do is to interfere. Nothing less, for this is our commitment. To not act when He calls is to interfere. For want of our failure to act, His will for us and for others, whose lives we are meant to touch, may be impeded. 

Scriptures: John 2:5