Serra Club Happenings

District Governor to Serra Rally

Newly installed Serra District Governor, John Caton, attended his first Serra Rally in Irving, TX, in January 2022. Learn about his take on the rally, and the impact of it on his leadership.
District Governor to Serra Rally

Newly installed Serra District Governor, John Caton, a member of the Serra Club of Johnson County, recently attended the annual Serra Rally, held in Irving, TX, January 13-16, 2022.  Caton had never previously attended a Serra Rally, indicating that his new responsibilities as the District Governor triggered his attendance this year.  “I needed to learn the role of District Governor,” he said.

Caton assumed the District Governor role January 1, 2021.  The district includes Serra clubs of Atchison, KS; Kansas City, KS; the Serra Club of Johnson County, KS, and the anticipated Serra club of Topeka, KS, currently under formation.  Caton is especially excited about this new club development.  “I met this past Monday with ten pastors in and around Topeka about a Serra Club,” he stated. “The level of enthusiasm is high for this new endeavor.”

Other Serra leaders from the area at the rally included Pat McAnany, President of the Serra Club of Kansas City, KS, and Jim Burns, Serra Regional Director and member of the KCK club.

Caton identified takeaways from the rally, noting first the witness of three bishops in attendance, expressing appreciation for what Serrans do to foster vocations.  Present were Bishop Thomas Daly, Spokane WA; Bishop Edward Burns, Dallas, TX; and Bishop Michael Olson, Fort Worth, TX. Caton said it was edifying to hear the bishops’ comments about the Serra influence on vocations.

Also noted was the training received (all currently on-line) from Serra USA President-elect, Michael Downing.  “While we received the training at the rally, Mike Downing has just done a phenomenal job to put training for officers on-line,” Caton said.  Caton encouraged all Serra leaders to access training for their specific roles.  It can be found at the SerraUSA website.

“One of the keynote speakers was John Zimmer, Vice President of Apostolate Development at FOCUS,” Caton observed.  “He talked about the true connection between Serra and FOCUS missionaries.” FOCUS, since inception at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS, in 1998, has identified more than 1000 young men and women having decided to pursue a priestly or religious vocation. Another keynote address was delivered by Jared Zimmerer, Director of the Word on Fire Institute. 

“I was in group sessions with other district governors, and they all share best practices with one another,” Caton said. He identified significant learning opportunities in small group discussions, the opportunity for adoration during the rally, and the opportunity to attend Mass every day as additional benefits of the event.

A special encounter, Caton crossed paths with Dee Herbert (pictured right with her husband, Wayne Greene), charter member and 4th president of the Serra Club of Johnson County.  Dee shared her planned move to Louisiana soon, where she hopes to continue work in Serra.  Caton said that Dee sends her greetings to all her acquaintances and friends of the Johnson County Serra Club. 

“I truly encourage other Serrans to attend the rally, planned again next year in Dallas.”  Exact dates are pending, but the rally is held in January.  “You get a very special understanding of the benefits of Serra USA and all they do.”