Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas


Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund

All proceeds from The Master's Cup, including donations through this link, go to the Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund, established in 2021 by Don and Janice Arth together with the Catholic Foundation of Northeast Kansas. 

Scholarships from the Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund are awarded to individuals pursuing priestly or religious vocations, for the purpose of defraying expenses associated with the journey in discerning God's call.

If you wish to donate by check, make your check payable to CFNEK and put "Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund" in the memo line.  All donations will be transferred directly to the Heart to Heart Scholarship Fund and are fully tax deductible to the extent of laws governing charitable contributions.  

Should the donor wish to submit by check/mail, please send your donation to:

Kelly Kmiecik, Administrative Assistant

Vocations Office, Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS

12615 Parallel Parkway

Kansas City, KS 66109

Donation Form
