VOTE August 2, 2022. Mark it on your calendar. Take 5 of your friends with you to the voting precinct and, if you vote for nothing else, vote YES on the Value Them Both (VTB) amendment. What the VTB amendment WILL do:
- Restore to the people of Kansas, through their elected representatives, the opportunity to manage the abortion industry, limiting its destruction, and re-establishing abortion clinic safety and cleanliness;
- Prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion;
- Restore the ability to establish abortion safeguards and save lives
What the VTB amendment will NOT do:
- Eliminate abortion in Kansas (would that we could be so fortunate!
- Cripple the life of any woman, regardless the circumstances of her life.
Without VTB, Kansas is poised to become the abortion capital of the Great Plains. In response to the vocational call to holiness, please exercise your civic responsibility. Vote! And make it a “YES” to life!
I write this as a family physician with more than 30 years’ health care experience that includes the privilege of delivering nearly 1,000 babies and managing obstetrical complications including miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
It has been alleged by the abortion industry and assumed by ill-informed critics that passage of Value Them Both (VTB) will increase suffering and death among women enduring either of two potential pregnancy complications: miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. This is not true.
Abortion – as promoted by the abortion industry – has no place (and has never had any place) in the management of either miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Opponents of Value Them Both (VTB) twist the truth, with the twist resting squarely on more than one use of the word, “abortion.”
Miscarriage describes a pregnancy that is already lost when the condition is diagnosed. The medical diagnosis terms for miscarriage include “spontaneous abortion” and “incomplete abortion.” There are other possible diagnoses for miscarriage, but these are by far the two most common. Here, the word “abortion” refers to a baby that has died of natural causes. “Ectopic pregnancy” describes an abnormal pregnancy, implanted somewhere outside the uterus, that can become a medical emergency. Medical care for women suffering these pregnancy complications has nothing to do with the procedure used in an abortion clinic to end a pregnancy in which the baby is very much alive.
To deny women care for miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy is tantamount to medical malpractice. Denial of care in such cases is not an end point of VTB. Anyone who claims otherwise is not being truthful, due either to misunderstanding the medical terms as I have described them or willful intent to deceive.
Further highlighting misunderstanding in discussions about health care, abortion, and Value Them Both, some women who experience a miscarriage require a surgical procedure to restore stability to the reproductive system when nature, itself, does not do so. The procedure is known as a “D&C,” and is almost identical to the procedure used to perform an abortion in an abortion clinic. The only difference is that, in the case of miscarriage, the baby has already died, and the purpose of the procedure is to restore stability to a woman’s reproductive system. In the case of an abortion in an abortion clinic, the baby is alive, and the purpose of the procedure is to end the baby’s life. This clinical “overlap,” for lack of a better word, allows opponents of VTB to further confuse anyone without basic medical understanding about the use of medical terms and the procedures described by those terms.
Abortion, in the context understood widely by the public and promoted by the abortion industry, is not part of the management of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Denial of healthcare to women is not a tenet of VTB.