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Serra Club New Member Application
Serra's vocation support ministry is driven by our members all over the world. The Serra Club of Johnson County welcomes members from across the Archdiocese. If you have a heart for vocations and wish to join a vibrant community of lay missionaries supporting and promoting vocations, join us!
Monthly meetings are conducted in person, with a virtual link allowing participation from your computer or your cell phone. We use the Zoom® platform for virtual connection. The meeting link is provided in our calendar. All you need is the app on your cell phone or your computer desktop. You're all set!
As the bulk of our work is prayer, we make group prayer events available virtually, as well. Complete a membership application now and become a Serran! You will enjoy the fellowship and the mission work of prayer and support for vocations in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
The Serra Club of Johnson County in Kansas (JOCO Serra) is a certified 501c3 non-profit organization. All membership "fees" are donations to the organization. All donations to JOCO Serra are used in direct support of vocations in the Archidocese of Kansas City in Kansas. A gift of $11.75 is requested at the time of membership application. In addition, members are asked for a monthly gift to support vocations and club activities directly supporting vocations. Gifts can be made through the "Donate" button on the website and can be part of your annual charitable giving plan. Married members (when both spouses are members) are asked to contribute $20 per month as a couple, or $120 every six months or $240 annually. Single members are asked to contribute $12.50 per month, or $75 every six months or $150 annually. Contribution reminders will be sent to members according to the member-preferred schedule.
Questions? Contact us.